domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2015

Rust Experimental - Fishing

Version 1.0.6 now uploaded. All current overview items are included.

This plugin allows all players to use Spear, Bow or Crossbow to fish the waters of Rust. You can catch fish in Rivers or Open waters. Each has its own fish type.

How to Fish:
First, Head off and find some water. You need to be within a few meters or even standing in it. Take your Spear and jab the water floor and then you have a chance to haul in a fish. (aka...raw chicken). You can also use your Bow or Crossbow to get near the water and shoot at it.

Hapis Island RazorJaw - found in rivers.
Savis Island Swordfish - found in open water, lakes and oceans.
Craggy Island Dorkfish - may or may not one knows.

actual raw catch will change to something else. chicken is just easy for now.

Modifers to Chance to Catch fish:
Using Wood Spear or Bow give player default chance to catch fish.
+ Bonus if using a Stone Spear or Crossbow
+ Bonus if wearing Boonie cap

Coming Soon or Ideas :
- Permissions to allow who can fish.
- Config file values for many things.
- Find fishing Hotspots via onscreen notification.
- chances to pull up snake or gator.. can hurt player or get poisoned.
- using mining quarry placed in rivers as a "fish wheel"...maybe?
- Time of day will effect chance of fish.
- Having someone play guitar by a fire will increase area fish rates.



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